born lancaster, england at 9:30pm on the 22nd March 1982.
andrew makes paintings and drawings.
andrew often takes photographs and sometimes he makes objects.
andrew also likes music and riding his bike.
“We have had enough of the considered actions that have swollen beyond measure our credulity in the blessings of science. What we want now is ‘spontaneity’ not because it is more beautiful or better than anything else. But because everything that comes from us freely without intervention from speculative ideas represents us.”
Tristan Tzara
“Actually I think this is very important. If I really had something to say then I’d be doing your profession…….the real matter if art comes out of a discovered content, and that’s not the same as subject matter or narrative. Perhaps this is one of the lessons of modernism – that art can and does exist without subject matter, but it discovers something else in the process, which is content.”
Anish Kapoor
“My job is the creation of possibility, but meaning is created by the experience of the viewer. What I dream of is as many meanings as there are viewers.”
Richard Tuttle